Thursday 17 October 2013

Businessmen appealed to Britain to stay in the European Union

The refusal of some of the most famous businessmen in Britain calls to withdraw from the European Union , saying in a speech at the left-wing newspaper that " the economic situation to stay within the EU is very strong ."
She wrote a business , including Richard Branson, owner of Virgin , Helen Alexander, President of the Board of Directors of "U IBM" in the newspaper "The Independent " that Britain "must be fought tooth and nail in order to be Europe more competitive and fighting criticized those who support our departure . "
They also called for Britain to seek to " strengthen and deepen the single market to include digital and energy sectors , transport and communications , which can boost GDP by Britain 110 billion pounds ( 167 billion dollars).
Despite the group 's recognition that " some of the ideas of the European Union exposure ( City of London ) at risk," noted the existence of " a great opportunity to strengthen capital markets in London , which would contribute in solving the problems of the banking system of the European Union ."
And wrote , saying : The withdrawal of the bloc , which includes 27 countries and start the British market alone would weaken primarily the British economy .
He added that " for Britain , with an estimated income gains from its membership of between 31 and 92 billion pounds a year, or between 1,200 to 3,500 pounds per household ."

Europe is determined to fight against tax havens

Concluded the Heads of State and Government of the European Union yesterday summit dedicated to the fight against tax evasion and fraud to reach an agreement to abide by the adoption of uniform legislation on the taxation of savings European citizens in countries other than their homeland before the end of this year.
The head of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso , told a news conference the end of the meeting , the leaders were able to consensus to move forward towards the adoption of this new legislation before the end of the year " and therefore we are making progress in this area."
For his part, President of the European Council , Herman Van Rompuy , having highlighted the loss of public tanks to European countries hundreds of millions of Alaorōha because of these practices, " It 's time to take a step forward in the fight against tax evasion and fraud ."

Brazil "will fall" about $ 900 million of its debt in Africa

Brazil announced that it will drop or re-scheduling worth about $ 900 million of debt in Africa.

Among the 12 countries will benefit from this move countries rich in oil and gas Kalkongo Brazzaville, Tanzania and Zambia.

And this step is seen as an attempt to strengthen the economic ties between the seventh economic power in the world and the African continent.

Official statistics show that Brazil trade with Africa has increased five-fold the past decade.

The announcement came during a visit by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to Africa to attend the African Union summit in Ethiopia, is the third in three months

Wonder of the World Masdar City UAE

Away from the Elections Iran which is scheduled to take place on the fourteenth of June 2013 this month, and internal conflict between conservatives and only Salahion and the size of the internal problems that can secrete these Elections , which may lead to civil wars internal to Iran, and away from the tragedy and the Syrian Arab passage of more than two years at the beginning of the outbreak of the revolution against the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar only dam system and the wisdom of the tastiest Z already fell after it lost its legitimacy real - and the greater the survival in power in Syria increased blood المراقة and the conflict intensified .Apart from Hassan Nasrallah 's remarks Satan and his delight to fight alongside the butcher Bashar only ally dam and invite all the international forces and the GCC his Bala withdrawal and return to Gu prepared in southern Lebanon .Apart from the Bushehr nuclear reactor , but see me and risks in the Arab region and the neighboring countries Arab by only revolted resulting from it and the risk of earthquakes and the devastation that is likely to affect the nuclear reactor , but see me and its negative impact on neighboring countries, Arab and even the Arab region as a whole.
Apart from all these scenarios, worrying and other it was necessary for us to move on to shed light on the side promising in the present and the future to all Arab countries and generations to come , God willing , and here I wanted today to convey to you , but achievements of the great Arab Emirates United Vllhakikh the day before yesterday I saw a colleague Amr Adib sheds light on the city of United Arab Emirates emerging called Masdar City, and the fact that for the first glance, I did not know that in the State of the United Arab Emirates giant City this but cm magnificent and beautiful , I like me like someone else I know that the United Arab Emirates consists of seven emirates great namely Abu Dhabi emirate Dubai and the emirate of Sharjah , Ajman and Umm al Quwain , Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah.But the State of the United Arab Emirates under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ca n them another opinion , a thought, but readiness for the future to please , but generations to come and keep up with the technology of modern times and the search for resources other economic alternative to oil to support the economy national of the country, as it was credited in the birth of the State of the United Arab Emirates in 1971 by the late his Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his brother, the late his Highness Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, when he thought of sheikhs in the Union of bilateral and the development of economic unity between Abu Dhabi and Dubai as a nucleus of the Union of only Marat seven and all the Arab Gulf countriesIt was history repeating itself here are two of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the country, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Ruler of Dubai Asabaka time to rise up and only رتقاء and work on the renaissance the United Arab Emirates and Esaad its great people and think about the future and the development of the United Arab Emirates refineries in developed countries which use techniques and modern scientific methods in various fields, as seen Emirate renaissance comprehensive political, social, economic and educational schools of modern universities and human Development and the only attention to the environment , which had previously cared by the late His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, as is maintaining on nature reserves to protect it from نقراض , then the instructions of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the formation of a special ministerial bag environment and ordering the establishment of Masdar City that city , which is the wonder of the world , which relies on renewable energy and clean green life .Then successes stunning achievements and to realize the emirate of Dubai , thanks to God Almighty and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, the creation of the Dubai Committee of God in the land and Castle important tourist in the Middle , but the center and has become a kiss of tourists from various parts of the world and a center for World Trade Here is a tower Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world and the port of Jebel Ali , Dubai Ports and Company E Dubai Ports world and here is smart government establishes what God wills .And we come to the Masdar City Wonder of the World , which follow the emirate of Abu Dhabi, which raced against time to consolidate its position as a global leader for excellence in the field of renewable energy and clean technology and the desire to create a city rely entirely on solar energy and other energy sources to create an environment free of carbonates and waste.At 17 kilometers from the center of the capital , but Maratneh Abu Dhabi and close to Abu Dhabi International Airport is located Masdar City , which covers an area of ​​700 hectares and per hectare equals 10,000 square meters where it seemed to work in established in 2006 and is considered one of the most world cities sustainable and center emerging and bullish for renewable energy and clean technology in order to provide an environment that supports only innovation and entrepreneurship are designed to be available where the highest levels of life with less , but rebelled harmful to the environment and not رتقاء quality of living to emulate the finest cities in the world with a focus on sustainability in order to prove that the lifestyles environmentally responsible could fit into the Models of work comfortably and is capable of economically Continue including offers for people and institutions, an ideal environment to work and live .City is the source of a society being faithful and continually latest research projects and development in the fields of clean technology and testing of T technology and the latest build buildings and most sustainable in the world in order to provide a fertile environment to inspire the institutions working in this sector strategic and dynamic urges them to grow and not creativity .In order to support scientific research activities and development in the field of alternative energy and clean technology Sign Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Institute of the Sa Zhou citys of Technology and was the first batch of students in 6 of September 2009 which the minds of scientists امارتية , Egyptian, Saudi and Libyan and others from around the Arab world and the worldStudents come to study and get bonuses and salaries of fictional minds of great scientists and human This research raises Institute graduate programs and research programs in the field of advanced energy and sustainable technologies .In terms of sustainable energy company has a source and an area of ​​22 hectares to build plant to generate solar energy , which is the only size of its kind in the Middle , but the center , using only the Uah electro optical and has a capacity of only productivity 10 MW in order to secure the needs of the buildings of the source of the entire airport and Abu Dhabi International while providing a surplus of energy to the main network for the emirate of Abu Dhabi .
And the wonderful and beautiful that Masdar City is working on the export of technology to the outside Here is selling the unit for power generation do not سبانيا and establish plant to generate energy from the wind in one of the beaches , but Ngelazah , either transport system within the city of the source where the use of trains and light buses and electric cars with connecting these only organization the main road network and railway lines which will form a link with other areas , but outside the city.
As for the waste trying the city striving to reduce the amount of waste and uses waste البيلوجية in obtaining soil and fertilizer rich with the conversion of some waste , but other by burning to an additional source of energy either industrial waste such as plastics are recycled and used for other purposes , this is currently under development Masdar City on stages until only expiry of this great project by the year 2025 , God willing .
So we hope all Arab countries suit the example of the United Arab Emirates and only Qtdae ideas wise governance and leadership thinking in the future , but the coming generations and to support scientific and research centers .We hope the political leadership in Egypt to support the city Zewail Science and Technology , which called for the established large Arab scientists , Dr. Ahmed Zewail, Nobel Prize for Science in 1990 , we wish to immediately start the implementation of the project of developing the Suez Canal and Aahbma if it is attributed to the Egyptian army great to do all the projects to close the door just in front of all the speculation about the likeness global companies that will participate in the development and implementation of this giant project and these companies may be cover for countries and organizations to penetrate inside Egypt threatened , but the Egyptian national .Weah would be better if there was a subscription Egyptian with only Stgina full for any external funds Egyptians who سينهضون their country and will return to them their profits , which is of their own making , the Suez Canal is the best witness and guide when dug بسواعدهم - and sweat - and بجهدهم - and their money - and their blood - and their lives -We wish completion of King Abdullah economic in Saudi Arabia that city stretching from Jeddah city of Mecca and equivalent to an area of ​​the capital of America , Washington , which will start working out and running in the fourth quarter , but better than the year 2013, as planned, to add to the Saudi economy and for the generations to come , God willing, Almighty lots and lots , all the love, but respect for and appreciation of the United Arab Emirates under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, may God preserve him and Ovqh and sponsors and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai and His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander only to the armed forces , but Maratneh and Highnesses members of the council , but the referees , but Marat and all the elders of the United Arab Emirates in order to interest every citizen and work to build a future firmly to all the sons of the homeland , but Maratea .
God Save the Emirate , Egypt and Saudi Arabia and all the Arab countries and their peoples from all evil and to not always Mam .

Entrepreneurs are deprived of retirement!

The UAE government is striving to support the empowerment of citizens in the private sector , and is keen to find ways and means to help these young people, and support through various existing financing funds .
However, as the number of citizens who are able to take risks, and to engage in this sector are very few , but almost rare, we do not need here to re- remind them , they represent only a very small percentage , is negligible , and certainly the reasons for this is also semi- known, some of which is related laws , most of which related to the private sector itself and the difficulty of entry which , in light of fierce competition, and it almost complete control by well-known groups , some of which is related to the young people themselves , and concern from contesting the experiment.
Let us leave aside the things known repellents adventurers of young UAE, in the fight in the experience of your work, that have already been addressed by the media in some detail, over the years , and let's focus talk in some official bodies , which enact laws , without considering its dimensions negative on this sector specifically , and to determine the most Let's talk about pension law in force in the state , and how this law will contribute directly to deport citizens to think about your work !
Talked about a few days ago , the issue of the expulsion of citizens retired from government work , and working in private companies , and the reason was confined to a provision in the Pension Act , does not allow for citizens to combine two salaries of any two sides , immediately after publication Thread the face of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in his capacity as Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the pension legal solve this problem and, consequently, these citizens retirees returned to work, and that 's a beautiful thing .
But the pension law is still a stumbling block in front of interested citizens to enter the private sector, it prevents entrepreneurs citizens to register in the body, to get a pension , if they are owners of companies , while not prevent them from entering employees in the private sector !
However note that we are talking about small and medium companies for young citizens , we realize that they are not registered in the form of pensions is a real hindrance to them, preventing them from entering this area, while the state encourages them , and give them the necessary facilities, which means that the pension law is contrary to government policy !
Funny that bypass this law is very easy , registered citizen owner of the small company to establish another company with a different name , and register itself in the body as an employee of the new company , and not the previous owner of the company !
Of Selomhm if they did it ? Why be forced to go this route ? There are other countries allow even housewives Date in the pension fund , as long as يدفعن monthly subscription , why entrepreneurs prevents citizens from here ? !

The only solution for consumer protection

Can not be consumer protection in our country to the satisfaction of consumers and officials as the current sharing of responsibilities between multiple destinations , both in education , consumer protection , through which consumers find himself in a closed circuit , is known to those who complain about what is the entity responsible for it , you are Ministry of Commerce , municipalities , or the food and drug Administration . .. Um . ... Um . .. Etc.? In contrast Fjmaah the consumer protection that has moved to the mercy of God in the hearts of the people , and pointless existence after six lean years have contributed to the destruction of people's confidence . Therefore .. The only solution in force in some countries of the world , but also in some neighboring countries is to find the point of an independent government concerned with the affairs consumer and mobility have all the responsibilities of other parties with respect to systems consumer from near or far , it has all the powers of finding systems , implementation and application of sanctions, and supplemented these step to allow the establishment of entities or NGOs for the consumer in every region of the UK to monitor the price situation and commercial fraud and after-sales services and reports and claims to the concerned authority so a General Authority for the consumer that we proposed to create, also empowers her order litigation about the general problems faced by consumers in public bodies , as well as the private sector.The current situation will not give us any concrete results for consumer protection, in spite of the efforts and successes provided by the Ministry of Commerce day after day in the area of consumer interest in issues recently.Therefore will not succeed endeavors to protect the consumer , but the recognition of dereliction at him first , and the establishment of an independent government body of its own.

A land bridge between Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Frequent news from time to time about the possibility of the establishment of a land bridge linking Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the full details of this project undeclared yet , but I have no doubt that such a gigantic project , if implemented, will occur quantum leap in the economic relations between Egypt and the Gulf in general and the Kingdom in particular, as this will bridge to link the Kingdom directly in Egypt and from there to Africa , and through this artery strategic rebound trade relations on a greater , as this will created to encourage the movement of trade in goods and tourism flows on a larger scale , as well as lead to facilitate the movement of people and power workforce, as well as open up broader prospects for investment and capital flows between the two countries .
Cross over a long time- there were hopes of the Arab world in bringing about economic integration , represent the launch of several projects of integration, particularly the Arab common market , and the Greater Arab Free Trade , has prevented many restrictions without success projects, is that such strategic projects impose this integration on the ground, and facilitate ways to expand cooperation between the Arab countries .
In my opinion that whatever the cost of creating this bridge the assessment of the returns that would accrue to the countries of this project exceeds any cost of unexpected to him, the market is expanding to Egypt and the mass population huge potential capital of the kingdom can provide the appropriate conditions for achieving the revenue growth potential of the two countries . I hope to see this project at the earliest.