Thursday 17 October 2013

Global Development and Winning objectives

Jeffrey Sachs wrote
In the twenty-fifth of September of this year, will meet the world's governments in the context of a special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations to discuss how to accelerate progress on achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and also to agree on a timetable for a new set of sustainable development goals. Is scheduled to be completed Millennium Development Goals , adopted in 2000, by 2015, in order to follow the objectives of sustainable development, for the period 2015-2030 is likely .
The focus of the Millennium Development Goals to end extreme poverty , hunger and disease that can be prevented . In fact, this global development goals were the most important in the history of the United Nations . It will continue the goals of sustainable development to combat extreme poverty , but it will also add the challenges of ensuring more equitable economic growth , environmental sustainability , and in particular the fundamental goal of control risks arising from climate change due to human activities .
The international development targets reason to make a tremendous difference in the lives of human beings , especially in the poorest places on the planet. The area has benefited in sub - Saharan Africa tremendously from the Millennium Development Goals , and we can learn from this success in the design of sustainable development goals.
Dry recognize the importance of the Millennium Development Goals for the sub-Saharan region of Africa , what we have only to compare the previous decade to adopt the region of these objectives and the subsequent decade of adopted her . In the ten years prior to the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), economic growth in the region has been slow , and the poverty rate was on the rise , and the increasing burden of disease burden, including HIV , " AIDS " and malaria.
The adoption of the Millennium Development Goals reason to focus an increasing amount of attention by African governments , non-governmental organizations , United Nations bodies , international donors , foundations and activists on the urgent need to combat poverty, hunger and disease. Also highlighted the Millennium Development Goals light universally disappointing debt burdens faced by many of the poorest countries in Africa, which led to the start of a serious process for debt cancellation under the leadership of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .
During the period from 2000 to 2010 , the poverty rate fell in sub-Saharan Africa, " compared to the share of those who live on less than $ 1.25 a day " to 48.5 per cent after rising from 56.5 per cent to 58 per cent in the period 1990 -1999 , while total annual economic growth , which averaged 2.3 per cent in the period 1990-2000, more than doubled , to up to 5.7 per cent during the period 2000-2010. It also vastly improved disease control. From 1990 to the peak year 2004, the annual number of deaths due to malaria from about 800 thousand to 1.6 million . But after that point , and with the distribution of bed nets anti- mosquito in large quantities in the framework of the Millennium Development Goals, began deaths caused by malaria in decline, to about 1.1 million per year in 2010 , and perhaps become less now .
As the Special Adviser of the Secretary- General of the United Nations on the Millennium Development Goals since 2001 "during the mandate of Kofi Annan, until 2006, then Ban Ki-moon since 2007 ," I have seen over the seriousness with which governments of many African with the goals , where you use to identify priorities, and motivate stakeholders, and increase public awareness and motivation, and download various ministries responsibility.
Over time , the United Nations and donor agencies in high- income countries are using the Millennium Development Goals increasingly to assist in the organization of work in Africa as well. Although the Millennium Development Goals is not the only factor upon which the improvements that have taken place since 2000 , it is clear that they played a major role . When moving the member countries of the United Nations to the next set of global development goals , it must learn from the programs of the Millennium Development Goals. First, by maintaining a list of the goals of sustainable development is relatively short - so that it does not exceed ten goals - it becomes easy to remember these goals , which would help to mobilize the masses.
Secondly , it is imperative that all governments , rich and poor , responsible for meeting the objectives of sustainable development as the implementing agencies . The Millennium Development Goals are applied mainly by poor countries as points of access and rich countries as donors. The objectives of sustainable development must be applied by all countries as responsible for implementation " and also by the rich countries as donors ." When it comes to problems such as climate change , which will be in the heart of the new sustainable development goals , rich countries are waiting for the greatest amount of work compared to poor countries .
Thirdly , it should be the objectives of sustainable development to be built on the Millennium Development Goals. It has helped the Millennium Development Goals to reduce extreme poverty in the world by more than half . It should be the objectives of sustainable development to address the challenge of ending extreme poverty forever. The World Bank calculates that it has already adopted a goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. It should be for the member countries of the United Nations to do the same thing.
Finally , it should be the objectives of sustainable development to mobilize teams of experts about the major challenges associated with sustainable development . When it appeared the Millennium Development Goals for the first time , the specialists concerned began to organize themselves to provide advice in relation to the achievement of these goals . The project work of the United Nations Millennium tuning advice by about 250 experts worldwide in addressing critical issues related to development. And now we are in urgent need of the same process of expert advice and problem - solving in dealing with issues such as low-carbon energy , sustainable agriculture , cities , flexible and universal health coverage , and all this is likely to be the top priority of the goals of sustainable development .
50 years ago , U.S. President John F. Kennedy , "We by selecting our goal more clearly , and make it seem easier and less distant from منالنا , we can help all people to see and derive hope from it, and move toward him irresistibly ." Has helped the Millennium Development Goals to play this role in the fight against poverty. It is possible that the goals of sustainable development the same thing in the face of the complex challenge of achieving sustainable development.
* Published in the Saudi economic newspaper .

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