Thursday 17 October 2013

Businessmen appealed to Britain to stay in the European Union

The refusal of some of the most famous businessmen in Britain calls to withdraw from the European Union , saying in a speech at the left-wing newspaper that " the economic situation to stay within the EU is very strong ."
She wrote a business , including Richard Branson, owner of Virgin , Helen Alexander, President of the Board of Directors of "U IBM" in the newspaper "The Independent " that Britain "must be fought tooth and nail in order to be Europe more competitive and fighting criticized those who support our departure . "
They also called for Britain to seek to " strengthen and deepen the single market to include digital and energy sectors , transport and communications , which can boost GDP by Britain 110 billion pounds ( 167 billion dollars).
Despite the group 's recognition that " some of the ideas of the European Union exposure ( City of London ) at risk," noted the existence of " a great opportunity to strengthen capital markets in London , which would contribute in solving the problems of the banking system of the European Union ."
And wrote , saying : The withdrawal of the bloc , which includes 27 countries and start the British market alone would weaken primarily the British economy .
He added that " for Britain , with an estimated income gains from its membership of between 31 and 92 billion pounds a year, or between 1,200 to 3,500 pounds per household ."

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