Thursday 17 October 2013

Facts and statistics about the sources of wealth in Qatar

A liquefied natural laurel , along with crude oil, the primary source of wealth in Qatar, the Gulf emirate , which has the highest per capita incomes in the world.
And Qatar and Iran share in the North Field gas , which represents the largest gas fields in the world. Western companies have provided technology to Qatar to help them freeze gas extracted and converted to liquefied gas met for export, and prevented the arrival of such technology to Iran , which has been unable to compete with Qatar in the share of gas exploitation in the region.
Save the oil and gas sector , more than half of the country 's GDP in 2012 , according to statistics from the Qatar Statistics Authority .
And brought to Qatar 's gas exports about 7.6 billion in the month of April / April only , equivalent to 65 percent of export revenue , also got two billion dollars from sales of crude oil.

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