Thursday 17 October 2013

European stocks jump to the highest level in 5 weeks as fears receded stimulus

European shares hit their highest level in five weeks on Thursday and crossed the technical resistance barrier , paving the way for further gains after the U.S. central bank eased market fears of an early reduction program to facilitate cash .
And received growth-linked stocks such as mining companies with satisfaction the announcement of Ben Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve that there is a need for an active policy of facilitating the cash in the " foreseeable future."
Despite the fact that many people still expect the U.S. Federal Reserve begins to reduce its purchases of bonds by September probably Bernanke 's comments that he made ​​in late on Wednesday reiterated that he would not consider such a move only if the accelerated growth of the economy.
And finished the FTSEurofirst 300 index of leading European shares trading session up 0.59 percent at 1197.03 points , moving above the average driven in 100 Days supported by gains in shares of gold mining companies with the high prices of the precious metal.

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