Thursday 17 October 2013

Why run away business from health investments?

Notes on private investment in hospitals in Jeddah very slow growth , a phenomenon that needs to be a thorough study to identify the causes , and therefore draw a message to the business of the conglomerate for the establishment of joint - stock companies to build and operate private hospitals
The majority of business in our country, do not look at development projects with the outlook and revenue profitability long-term , and private investment in our look at the returns rapidly covering the capital in less than a period of time , and some believe that the investments that cover the cost of ten years after investments are long- term no avail . Some argue that trading in land and stocks, currencies , real estate and cars are more useful to maximize profits , and that the projects long term are the responsibility of the state or state companies or companies to contribute to a common misconception , I do not wish to go into details to prove it , but I will put on a developmental projects basic of needs immediate future and growing annually yielding and supported by the support of the state to encourage investors in this area , which is the area of investment , which provided health and submission by the State represented by the Ministry of Health, giant projects .
And at the direction of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques recent adoption of 15 billion and 100 million riyals for the construction of 22 health projects , including 19 complex medical and hospital and 3 centers for developmental disorders and behavior of children , as the first centers were established in the Kingdom of dealing with this category and provides services for patients with autism and patients with hyperactivity and others.
Based on the directive of the High Minister of Health , have been approved to establish a company for investment health is owned by the Public Investment Fund , and are urgently discuss the details of the company, including the economic feasibility , objectives and activities and mechanism of action between the Public Investment Fund and the Ministry of Health , and although it did not appear بوادرها even now we are looking forward to their future role , a trend that is true going by the state to support and provision of health services to the citizens.
In the city of Jeddah , which suffers from a significant lack of family in public and private hospitals , despite the fact that there are new projects , including hospital north of Jeddah was completed almost a capacity of 500 beds at a cost of more than 250 million riyals , and in the eastern city of Jeddah another hospital with a capacity of 300 beds at a cost of more than 200 million riyals , which is in the final stages of construction , in addition to centers and units health is widespread and research centers, health and care , but unfortunately due to population growth and migration of population and the adoption of the cities in the region of Mecca and Medina to health services, public and private , have remained the need In the city of Jeddah to the presence of advanced capabilities and greater capacity and support services for escorts for patients.
It is said that under the second plan for health services in the city of Jeddah , there is a psychiatric hospital with a capacity of 500 beds , with an amount of 250 million riyals for the implementation of the project, and the establishment of a new hospital for the birth , children with a capacity of 500 beds in the north of Jeddah, and a hospital for the eyes in Jeddah with a capacity of 200 beds, and according to the information available , the city of Jeddah, the size of its residents and visitors need to be three thousand and five hundred beds, and available are currently 1500 beds in the public and private sector to be a deficit about 2000 beds, could not the private health sector to contribute to the plug , and did not develop private hospitals as required by the market, not motivated Saudi investors and foreigners to more investment in the construction of private hospitals as a result of the obstacles and bureaucracy in the granting of licenses and access to finance and the difficulty of access to land , although the State thankfully has doubled the value of loans from 50 million to 200 million , and this is supposed to contribute to the further investments in the health field.
I wish the state to extend the repayment period of loans to 25 - year - old health , because it is among the long - term development projects in the investment , and evaluate your current health projects and address the obstacles faced by face to create . The city of Jeddah was considered the center of advanced private health services , and the private hospitals where one of the attractions to visit the city Jeddah Kmhvy for patients and escorts outing .
And a tribute to the pioneers who have invested in private hospitals for decades in Jeddah, including Dr. Abdulrahman Bakhsh , God's mercy, and Dr. Sulaiman Al Fakih, the lips of God, and Dr. Ahmed Daghistani, God's mercy, and Dr. Akef Moroccan , and Dr. Walid Fitaihi , and businessmen loyal to their homeland Sheikh Abdul Rauf Abuznadh , Sheikh Saleh Kamel , Sheikh Mohammed Aboud Al - Amoudi , Sheikh Ali Buqshan , and Engineer Sobhi Batterjee , and El Sheikh Shali الجدعاني the , and other pioneers.
The making notes on private investments in private hospitals in Jeddah growth very slow , a phenomenon need to be careful study to identify the causes , and therefore draw a message to the business of the conglomerate to create a joint-stock companies specialized in the construction and operation of private hospitals in the Kingdom , a call for health insurance companies to invest capital funds or doubled to invest in the establishment of hospitals and specialized health centers .
The health investment returns with increased demand for it very attractive returns , despite all the difficulties , although the city of Jeddah nowadays suffer from a very large deficit in hospitals and health centers. If I may proposal asked the banks and municipalities to freeze funding and permits for temporary and commercial markets that have become in every street in Jeddah , and encourage the establishment of hospitals , health centers and give it priority .
The suffering of patients who are in desperate need for beds in rooms recovery, facing disability due to the vacancy of most family intensive care in hospitals as a result of the high demand for them, and as a result the use of the Ministry of Health a large proportion of households recovery in private hospitals , due to the shortfall in government hospitals , which are the issue of the society will suffer until the end of the new projects and the private sector interested in investing in the health field

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