Thursday 17 October 2013

London Olympics 2012 boosted the British economy 9.9 billion pounds

Char economic research that the British economy has been strengthened in the amount of 9.9 billion pounds of investment and business dealings after hosting the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in London in 2012. And a government report ratios boost the economy with new contracts and additional sales and foreign investment in the last year to host the Olympic Games . According to independent estimates cited by the report that the totality of what I got from Britain benefits of up to between 28 billion to 41 billion pounds by 2020.
The government indicated last fall that the estimated cost for hosting is 8.9 billion pounds .

In addition to the financial impact of the Olympic Games highlighted report, " inspired by 2012: the legacy of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in London in 2012" light on the impact on the sport in other areas.
The report says that volunteers to work in the Olympics inspired so many people that perform similar roles in their communities.
He said British Prime Minister David Cameron said the Olympics left a strong legacy socially Also, games makers has changed the way that you view the UK to volunteer work , and since then thousands of people inspired to participate with local sports clubs . "
He said the Minister of Business British Fiennes Cable " was many people ساخرين the feasibility of it ... but thanks to all the work that has been done we got to arguing moment " .
Another added , " estimate Ascending " until 2020 indicates that the Olympics would benefit Britain up to about 40 billion pounds.Investments
The report focused on international trade and inward investment " because of the Olympics and promotional events at the Olympic Games ."
And based on the figures provided in the report to the transactions , as well as estimates of the expected benefits of future opportunities .
She said one of the engineering companies that stood behind the construction of the complex Olympic in 2012 that the Olympic Games has strengthened its position of States and Governments that add the Olympics to do massive transport and renovation projects in urban areas.
The report takes into account also the companies that decided to invest in Britain, the impact of the Olympic Games which was held in late July and early August / August and the Olympic Games for the disabled in late August / August and early December .
And set up foreign investment projects in Britain about 2.5 billion pounds Astrlna , since the start of the preparation of the Olympic Games , such as the development of energy Petersa Station in London from by " Konsrtm " Malaysian group of companies , and projects involving Chinese technology company Huawei and software Indian Aanfocis .
The report said that British companies gained 1.5 billion pounds of opportunities for projects outside Britain , including work in global events other sports , such as the World Championship football in Brazil in 2014 and the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Rio 2016 Winter Games in Sochi 2014.

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